Boca Raton Wrongful Death Lawyer

When a loved one loses his or her life to someone else’s negligence, it’s a tragedy. But when families are left without compensation for the death of their loved ones, the situation is even worse. By understanding how wrongful death lawsuits work and which types of damages are available, you can make sure that justice is served for everyone involved.

The term wrongful death generally refers to an act that results in the death of a person, but not all wrongful deaths are considered criminal. In some cases, wanton negligence can lead to a fatality. A wrongful death lawsuit is brought by family members who have suffered monetary damages as a result of their loved one’s death.

When you’re ready to seek funds for the losses you’ve suffered, speak with a Boca Raton wrongful death lawyer at our Dyson Law, PLLC about which option would be best for your situation. Our initial consultation is free for grieving families, and you will not owe us one cent unless we’re successful at suing the negligent party.

Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Compensatory damages, also called general damages, are the most common types of damages in a wrongful death case. The amount awarded in compensatory damages can vary based on your family’s particular circumstances and what you have suffered as a result of the death. 

These damages can cover both economic and non-economic damages, among others. Here are the damages you may need to discuss with your lawyer. 

Economic Damages

Your economic damages should cover the financial losses you’ve suffered because of the death of a loved one. These damages should cover the repayment of your losses. Below are just a few of the damages you may be due: 

  • Funeral expenses
  • Travel expenses for attending to the body
  • Medical bills for treatment, hospitalization, and surgeries
  • Loss of income due to missing work because of funeral arrangements
  • Lost wages if the deceased was a worker

Noneconomic Damages

Your wrongful death lawyer in Boca Raton can help you determine if you are entitled to compensation for noneconomic losses as well. These include the following:

  • Pain and suffering or mental anguish from having lost a lost one
  • Loss of care, guidance, protection, or training from the deceased
  • Loss of love and companionship

Punitive Damages 

In addition to compensatory damages, you may also be entitled to punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant for their negligence and deter future negligent behavior. Punitive damages are not awarded in every case.

For punitive damages to be awarded, there must be evidence proving malicious intent on behalf of the defendant toward the deceased. Punitive damages cannot be awarded under Florida law unless there was gross negligence involved at some point.

Gross negligence is not just an error or mistake. It is a conscious disregard for human life or safety. Under Florida law, gross negligence in wrongful death cases is defined as the reckless disregard for human life rather than mere carelessness. To be considered grossly negligent, certain conditions must be met, such as the following:

  • The defendant’s conduct was so reckless that it resulted in a death
  • The defendant must have acted with total disregard for the safety of others
  • The defendant had to know about the risk involved with their actions but ignored them in spite of this knowledge

Calculating Your Damages

It is important for our clients to know that in Florida, future damages are based on the victim’s life expectancy, current wage rates for similar occupations in the area, and other factors. Calculating these damages can be difficult, but if you fail to include all your damages, you may not have another chance to recover these funds. 

Your Boca Raton wrongful death attorney will help you determine an amount that is equitable so that you don’t lose the lifestyle that you had grown accustomed to when your loved one was alive.

Services Provided by a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Boca Raton

After losing someone close to you, it’s natural for you to feel like you need someone on your side during this difficult time. However, filing claims and suing for wrongful death isn’t easy and requires specific skills in order to be successful. 

Your Boca Raton wrongful death lawyer will know exactly what needs to be done from start to finish so that all of your options are explored thoroughly before moving forward with any legal action. Services we provide include the following: 

  • Doing research into what laws apply to your case
  • Assisting with filing all necessary paperwork
  • Securing the medical records of your loved one
  • Collecting evidence from the scene of the accident, if possible
  • Obtaining police reports and witness statements
  • Gathering all relevant information related to your loved one’s death
  • Representing you during mediation or arbitration proceedings
  • Attending court dates, where evidence will be presented before judges or juries

Filing a lawsuit without a lawyer’s guidance can be difficult, and it’s easy to make a mistake that costs you the funds you’re due following an accident. If you’re unsure what a Boca Raton fatal accident lawyer can do for you, reach out for a free consultation to learn more about a lawyer’s resources and sources. 

Consult a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Boca Raton

Our legal team has represented hundreds of families that have lost a loved one through the reckless actions of another person or entity, whether it was through a fatal car accident, medical negligence, or something else. Many surviving spouses and children suffer needlessly after losing a household member that they once relied on for financial support. 

While compensation for your loss may not alleviate your emotional pain, it will help you move on and get back to day-to-day life. Protect your family and give your loved one the justice they deserve by hiring an experienced Boca Raton wrongful death lawyer from Dyson Law, PLLC. 

We work on a contingency basis, meaning that you do not pay unless we win your case. Our compassionate and hardworking lawyers will fight on your behalf to help you overcome this tragedy. Reach out to us through the online form on our website or call 561-498-9979 to discuss your case.

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