Get Peace of Mind with a Florida Life Insurance Lawyer

A life insurance policy is important because it should provide financial protection for your family in the event of a death. Unfortunately, getting an insurance settlement isn’t always that easy.

If you’re experiencing serious problems with your life insurance policy and you’re unable to get a settlement, there are steps you can take to protect your rights as a policyholder. 

When you’re ready, speak with a Florida life insurance lawyer from Dyson Law, PLLC. Our team has dealt with major insurance companies on our client’s behalf, and we have a track record of making them pay up on their obligations.

Insurers May Act in Their Best Interests 

Rescissions are not the same as denial. A denial means that the insurer has determined that you do not meet the underwriting requirements of your policy. Rescissions instead mean they have determined that your policy was never in effect because of material misrepresentation or fraud on your part.

Being accused of fraud can be upsetting, so getting legal support now can help you get answers. A life insurance lawyer in Florida understands the effects that an insurance company’s actions will have on your case, both legally and emotionally. We know insurers often act to protect their funds, not your future. 

If the fraud charges aren’t disputed or disproven, this will be noted in your policy file and likely will affect any future attempts at purchasing life insurance. While dealing with a situation like this while also facing the death of a loved one is difficult, your lawyer can guide you through the details of your claim. 

Your attorney can explain your policy and what your options are to ensure you receive everything due to you under its terms. This includes negotiating with the insurer if they deny or rescind coverage and investigating whether they acted appropriately according to state law when they made their accusations against you.

Claim Denial After Accusations of Material Misrepresentation

If your life insurance claim has been denied, it’s possible that the insurer believes you misrepresented information when you purchased the policy. This can happen in many ways:

  • Lying about how healthy the policyholder was or what kind of work schedule they had
  • Claims that your loved one’s income was higher than it really was, meaning that not enough money is left after premiums were paid for you to receive benefits
  • Claims that more life insurance was needed than what was actually necessary based on current needs and goals

As an example of the latter, let’s say someone purchases a policy as part of a retirement strategy but only needs it for ten years or so until they retire from their job. In this case, the insurer might deny payment because there isn’t enough time before benefits can be accessed. 

In any of these cases, a life insurance lawyer will advise you on whether the insurance company is acting in good faith. They can also guide you through any legal remedies available to you for covering denied claims. When you’re facing a difficult legal situation, your lawyer will be there to guide you through this difficult time. 

Unethical Changing of Beneficiaries

Changing beneficiaries under undue influence means that you or someone else was pressured into changing beneficiaries by a family member or another individual. 

Dealing with a life insurance policy is already a lot of pressure, especially when someone close to you passes away. But if your loved one named a different beneficiary on their life insurance policy than the one they intended, it could create problems.

The accusation of changing beneficiaries under undue influence could result in an invalid change of beneficiary form being submitted to the insurance company. That leaves you without the support you need during this difficult time. 

The company will often deny claims made by anyone who signed on someone else’s behalf. They don’t want to pay out benefits without proof that the change was made willingly. They may also investigate whether there was undue influence involved when the change was made, which can be difficult to untangle without the guidance of a lawyer.

Team Up with a Life Insurance Lawyer in Florida 

Losing a loved one is difficult enough. If you’re worried about covering denied claims, rescissions, material misrepresentation, or changing beneficiaries under undue influence, it’s important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. 

A Florida life insurance lawyer can help you understand your rights and options moving forward. Fill out the contact form below or call Dyson Law, PLLC at 561-498-9979 for a prompt response from an experienced attorney who works in this practice area.

Life Insurance Law FAQs

We aim to provide answers to common questions related to life insurance law. From policy interpretation to beneficiary disputes, Dyson Law PLLC offers insights to help you navigate the complexities of life insurance matters.

Join us as we shed light on key aspects of life insurance law to empower you with essential knowledge for informed decisions.

How Do You Fight a Life Insurance Claim?

Hire An Insurance Dispute Attorney
Often, insurance companies deny appeals if they don’t contain any legal briefs, which an attorney can provide. Don’t risk your claim at this difficult time of life; enlist the help of a lawyer to ensure the best outcome possible.

Do Most Life Insurance Policies Have a Contestability Off in Florida?

In Florida, most life insurance policies have a contestability period of 2 years. In the event the owner dies within the contestable period, the insurance company has the power to review the owner’s medical history before they pay the claim, or they can deny it.

How Often Are Life Insurance Claims Denied?

Why are life insurance claims denied? A claim can be rejected if the policyholder stopped paying premiums, lied on their application, died by suicide within the first few years of the policy, or died while committing a crime. How often do life insurance companies deny claims? Less than 1% of the time.

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